Monday, November 23, 2009


4 Kids
Look for ways to live for God by serving others today. In children's church we talked about moving from a "Me" attitude to a "We" attitude. When you can learn to look beyond yourself and serve others you will be more content with who and where you are. The next time you see a Wii game system think, "It's not about me, it's about we."

4 Others
It's Monday and the leaves are clustered in gloopy piles around the yards. Still others remain clinging to their last hope as winter arrives with it's chilly fingers plucking them one by one from almost barren branches. I miss the crunchy time of just a couple of weeks ago when stepping on leaves made that distinctive crackle and crunch that calls out for us to stomp like little kids. Now the crunch is gone and leaves stick with soppy wetness to my shoes.

It's Thanksgiving week and I can't help but think that God looks for daily thanks. With Him, thanksgiving is not to be an annual event but rather a daily discipline. We are to be "thanks-livers." Darlene and I will make all of the traditional foods. This year we are adding Puerto Rican fare as well. Six to eight students are coming over along with our sons and their families. Holidays like this tug at my heart as I want to see all of my kids and grandkids. God knows when we will be with each other again. He is trustworthy and will fill any void left by those who are far away.

It has been a year since dad died. I received word right at Thanksgiving. We flew to Omaha for his funeral. I miss him. I miss his calls checking on my arrival after each ministry trip. I miss the gleam in his eye that I only see now in my grandchildren. It is a gleam of wonder at the world and a gleam of mischievousness that warns of impending creativity. I miss praying with dad and reading scripture with him. That's all for now. The good news is that grandpa Bob is sitting in the grandstands of heaven as part of that great cloud of witnesses that have gone before us. He cheers us on this Thanksgiving as we continue our faith walk.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bad Sausage-Good Day

4 Kids
Had a blah morning. I wasn't feeling well, so I prayed. God has been helping me feel better. When you are sick or hurt, God will help you too. He's really good at this. He's been doing it a long time.

4 Others
I went to brekky with Josh Torres this morning and must have ate some bad sausage. No worries. It came up again within the hour. Isn't it great that God made our bodies to reject the bad like that? I know, feeling sick is a bummer. I drove home feeling like I was still going to hurl, but it didn't happen. So I slept for a while and Tim and Brit came over. Tim showed me how to Tweet. I'm on Twitter at here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Facebook Friend

4 Kids
Hey kids! Did you know that God has your profile on his Facebook page? Every boy or girl who has said yes to Jesus' friend request has their names written in his book of life. Jesus wants all children to be his friends, be forgiven, and spend eternity at his big sleep-over in heaven. You can say yes to Jesus today. Read more about this in the Bible.

4 Others
I went to Facebook today. I haven't been there since mid-summer. I only had 229 friend requests. I said yes to a bunch of them. I said not to those I couldn't remember. At my age that is a whole bunch. If you are out there and made a friend request, got rejected by me, and are plotting revenge right now, relax. Don't take it so seriously. I just couldn't remember. Either that or I hit the wrong button. Sorry. God has requested that you become his friend. He is waiting for your reply. Today would be a good day to say yes.

We went to Star Wars the Concert last weekend in Philly. It was incredible! Lights, fog. an orchestra, choir and Anthony Daniels. A good time was had by all. Two hours of overstimulation was just what I needed. LOL

Other than that, the sun is shining and God is still good. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 Kids
I am having a great day! The Bible says, "This is the day that the Lord has made." Jesus made this day for me and you to enjoy. Look outside today and thank God for making trees and birds and other things you see. The puppets on this page are some that I saw at a puppet festival this weekend. They shine in black light which is pretty cool.

4 Others
Darlene and I enjoyed the One Way Street Puppet Festival last weekend in Lancaster, PA. It was a blast. If you have never been to one of these, do it. We met lots O people and learned new things about all things children's ministry. The longer I serve in this ministry the more aware I am that I need to learn more. I guess it would be boring to know everything about something and have no need to learn, discover, explore. So I keep going to seminars, reading books, listening to blogs. My favorite is Probably because it is me and Jason talking about children's ministry. Hey, have a great day and makes some cookies.

Friday, November 6, 2009

OWS Puppet Festival

4 Kids

Hey Kids! I am PG. That stands for Pastor Gruber, Professor Gruber, People & God, Peace & Grace, or maybe Parental Guidance. I love Jesus and want to encourage every boy and girl to get to know him too. Jesus is a forever friend that never leaves you or lets you down. You can find out more about how to get to know him at the kid page on my website,

4 Others

Howdy! It is Friday and Darlene and I are going to the One Way Street Puppet Festival in Lancaster, PA. There will be several hundred puppeteers learning all about using these wonderful little friends in ministry in the church. We love going to this event because we meet new people, see old friends, and gain new ideas for our ministry to children. They also have a fabulous sales area. Have a great weekend wherever you are. I know we will. Remember, Jesus loves you and loves children more than we can imagine.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hi. Me again. I wrote two blogs my first day and then forgot that I had this. That's my attention straying...

Did I tell you about Halloween? We had my front yard all set up with a puppet stage and games and the grill. We gave out candy and hot dogs and bottled water. Kids and parents began showing up around 6:00 and by the time it started pouring rain, 7:26, we had served 80 hot dogs and given away over 70 candy bags. I had some great help from about a dozen college students and friends. We had the opportunity to share with a couple of neighbors as their kids watched puppets. It was what I would call a successful night, rain and all.

I know some of you out there lock your doors on October 31, but it is my daughter Rachel's birthday and I want it to be fabulous for the neighborhood kids to honor her and God. By the way, this is the only night of the year that kids come to my house asking for something. I figure I can give them Jesus, put on a party, and make the most of it.

That's about all. Enjoy the pictures. The blue guy is my son, Tim. The Baby is not a puppet.