Today is my birthday! I spent it in Detroit with Darlene, our daughter Rachel, and her kids. We had fun. I opened presents, went to a garage sale, and had dinner at a special place. The ice cream was great.
In the picture above, I am holding one of my presents. It's a pair of shoes that have every color I need to tell people about Jesus. The dark toes remind us of sin. The red shows us that Jesus died for our sin. The bright white stars remind us that Jesus cleans us from all wrong and the green encourages us to grow in Christ by reading our Bibles, praying, and spending time with other believers. The yellow represents the golden streets of heaven. When we have been forgiven by Jesus, he gives us new life and we can know that we are going to heaven.
I received other gifts too. Birthdays are a time when you celebrate with family and receive gifts. The best gift anyone can receive is new life in Jesus. In the last two weeks, I have seen and spent time with all of our grandkids. This has been the best birthday ever. I love the grandkids and praise God that their parents are living for Jesus and teaching them to love God too. I am proud to be the daddy of godly people who are now sharing Jesus with their own kids.
Those are my birthday thoughts. We have a bunch of cake left over. We'll be eating some tomorrow. I wish I could share it with you. Next time you eat cake, celebrate a birthday, or spend time with your grandpa, remember that Jesus loves you and wants to make your life new.