Sunday, November 21, 2010

NYC 2010

4 Kids

Darlene and I went to New York City yesterday with a bus-load of friends from the college.  We chose to explore NYC via the subway trains.  It was fun and scary trying to figure out which train to ride on or what direction to go.  Next time, I will bring a compass.  We saw the statue of liberty from shore at Battery Park.
We also went to the Muppet Whatnot Workshop and had a puppet made.  Here is picture of Darlene playing with a random princess Muppet.

This is our Muppet as the puppet making elves begin their work.
They glued eyes, a nose and hair on her and dressed her in this spiffy karate uniform.  We now own a custom-made Muppet named, "Fred."  That is short for Fredericka.

We also had fun watching a show by the Blue Man Group.
These guys are crazy!  They played percussion on plastic pipes and other strange things.  They poured paint on drums and played them hard and fast.  This sprayed paint all over the stage and in part of the front row.  They did special skits using crunchy cereal and Twinkies.

Darlene and I with the Blue Men
I was holding a blue puppet next to a blue man.

It was a fun day and God helped us to navigate the big city.  Now we will get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and the Christmas season.  God bless us everyone!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Party in the Yard

4 Kids

This year, some friends, (pictured here), helped us to turn Halloween night into a party in our yard.  we gave out grilled hot dogs, bottled water, hot chocolate, and bags of candy.  Around 150 kids came to our yard and enjoyed food, puppets, and the love of Jesus.

It is important for each of us to be a shining light in this darkened world.  You may not be able to have a party in your yard, but you can share God's love with friends.  One girl I knew invited friends to spend the night.  She would play Christian videos and music and talk with her friends about Jesus.  My daughter, Rachel gave a friend a Christian video as a birthday gift.  It wasn't long after the party, that Rachel and her friend, both eight-years-old, prayed together.

Look for ways this November to share God's love with relatives and friends.

Sharing God's love with puppets.